Below is a media release from the City of Millbrook and Elmore County Commission concerning a traffic signal and road improvements at Grandview Road and Kinsley Lane at Highway 14 in Millbrook:
Ann Harper
City of Millbrook, Economic Development Office
334.285.0330 / [email protected]
Richie Beyer
Elmore County Chief Engineer & Operations Officer
334.398.3325 / [email protected]
Improvements to the Alabama Highway 14 and Grandview Road intersection have been a topic of discussion for years but is now a reality. The project has been an on-going process that has included numerous requests from area residents, serious injuries, fatalities, traffic studies, permitting processes and ultimately a joint project between the City of Millbrook, Elmore County Commission and the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT).
Work is scheduled to begin the first week of May starting with improvements at the adjacent AL Hwy. 14 and Kinsley Lane intersection, and involves the installation of access management features and an acceleration lane. ALDOT required this element as a condition of the installation of the traffic signal at Grandview Road.
Once work is substantially completed at Kinsley, work at Grandview will commence with the enhancing of the existing deceleration lane to minimize the curve on Grandview Road and then wrap up with the installation of the traffic signal at the intersection of AL Hwy 14 and Grandview Road.
The City of Millbrook has provided funds for the purchase and installation of the traffic signal and has agreed to fund its operation and maintenance. The Elmore County Commission, through its Highway Department, will construct all of the other associated road improvements. ALDOT has contributed funding for the traffic signal as well and will oversee the signal’s installation. These improvements will enhance overall safety for motorists, increase operational efficiency at the intersections, and compliment economic development opportunities in the area.
“The City Council and I are grateful to ALDOT and the Elmore County Commission for their spirit of cooperation and contributions to this incredibly important project. We also appreciate the support and patience of Millbrook residents as we implement this project and work to improve public safety in an area that will continue to develop with both residential and commercial uses” stated Mayor Al Kelley.
Elmore County Commissioner Bart Mercer understands the importance of this project to the area as well and added “The AL Hwy 14 corridor is a critical stretch of road in Elmore County for commuting and commerce. Any time we can partner with ALDOT and our municipalities to enhance safety for our citizens it’s a positive. The County Commission appreciates the City’s leadership in this effort and our opportunity to participate.”
The total cost of the project is estimated at $250,000. All work on both sites should be completed before the end of the year. Questions about the project can be directed to Stuart Peters (City of Millbrook, [email protected] ) or Richie Beyer (Elmore County, [email protected] ).
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