Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association Tournament Starts Friday May 3, 2019 in Elmore County

Thursday May 2, 2019.

The Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association Pre-Tournament meeting took place tonight in Wetumpka with an estimated 600 people in attendance.

Elmore County Commissioners Troy Stubbs and Bart Mercer along with Elmore County Economic Developer Cary Cox welcomed the group of students, their friends and family to Elmore County. The tournament will take place in Elmore county Friday May 3rd and Saturday May 4th with over 225 boats launching from either Bonner’s Landing at Lake Jordan or Jackson Lake Island on the Alabama River.

The public is invited to the weigh-ins which will take place each day of the tournament beginning at 1:00pm at the Mill Creek Sports Complex in Millbrook.

This is great event taking place in Elmore county that will have a very positive impact on our local businesses and economy.

BartELCO Commission Logo

Portion of Allie Valley, Deatsville Closed

Below is a notice of a road closure by the Elmore County Highway Department :

The Elmore County Highway Department is closing Allie Valley at 126 Allie Valley in Deatsville due to an issue with a cross drain. The road will be closed until further notice.

Agenda for Elmore County Commission Work Session 4-25-19 During County Government Day

On Thursday April 25th the Elmore County Commission will host  senior high students from across the county in an effort to increase awareness of the role and responsibility of County Government.

A County Commission meeting will take place during their visit, there will be a display and demonstrations by the Elmore County Emergency Management Agency, Highway Department, Sheriff’s Department Special Operations and many other County agencies will have educational booths on display.

This is a part of the National Association of Counties National Government Month where counties from all over the nation will be doing their part to educate and familiarize students with various county agencies and their function.

The Commission will hold a Work Session and Commission Meeting at 9:30 a.m.

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting April 25, 2019.

If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.


Alabama Student Angler Bass Fishing Association State Championship Takes Place in Elmore County May 3 & 4

April 22, 2019

The Elmore County Economic Development Authority (ECEDA) will host the State Championship Tournament of the Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association in Elmore County. The event will start with a pre-tournament meeting on Thursday night May 2nd with fishing to take place on Friday May 3th and Saturday May 4th. Visitors from across the State will be in the area to accompany the estimated 230 teams participating in the tournament.

Launch sites will be Bonner’s Landing on Lake Jordan and Jackson Lake Island on the Alabama River.

Weigh-ins will take place at Mill Creek Sports Complex in Millbrook on Friday, May 3rd and Saturday May 4th with the Junior High division starting at 1:00 pm and Senior High division at 2:00 pm and the public is invited to each weigh-in.

It is estimated that 950 hotel rooms will be needed accommodate visitors to our community and more than 2,500 meals will be purchased. Hotel rooms, meals, along with gas and related supplies being purchased will result in a very positive economic impact on our local businesses and economy overall.

The City of Millbrook and Mayor Al Kelly, Millbrook Chamber, Millbrook Economic Development Office, ECEDA, Elmore County Commission and many volunteers have worked to bring this tournament to our county and to make sure it is a huge success.  We appreciate everyone’s effort to support sporting/tourism events taking place in our community that we are all so proud of.



High School Fishing Tournament 2019.JPGECEDA Logo Resized

City of Millbrook Logo

ELCO Commission Logo



Tornado Watch Issued for Elmore County Until 11:00pm – Safer Places Now Open

Due to the Tornado Watch being issued the Elmore County Emergency Management Agency has activated their Safer Places Program.

Please see the information below about Safer Places and how they function during severe weather events:

The purpose of the Safer Place Program in Elmore County is to facilitate the opening of pre-designated areas for citizens seeking a safer place prior to and during severe weather conditions. The Safer Place Program is not intended for long-term opening of a building for a mass care shelter. Instead the intent of the program is to provide a safer place (not safe as in a FEMA approved Safe Room), for individuals to seek shelter during severe weather (tornado, extreme cold or extreme heat). There are no meals or services provided by the host facility. Citizens are encouraged to bring anything they may need to sustain themselves (i.e. food, medicine, etc.). The safer place locations are not advertised as “tornado shelters” or “safe rooms” but as a location of last resort for those who need a safer place to stay prior to and during a severe weather event or during times of extreme cold or heat.

These are the Safer Places locations that are currently open until the Tornado Watch expires:

Elmore County Courthouse – Downtown

First Baptist Church- Eclectic

Tallassee City Hall

Redland Baptist Church

Tallassee Police Department

Town of Elmore Fire Station 2

Town of Elmore – Penny Parkway

Town of Elmore – 1245 AL Hwy 143

Millbrook Baptist

Coosada Town Hall

New Home Baptist Church – Titus

Safer Place sites can also be found on our website at and click on “I Understand” to go to the map page.

For additional questions you can contact the Elmore County Emergency Management Agency at (334) 567-6451.

Stay Safe!!


Accurate Broadband Connectivity Data is Key to Promoting Investment in New Infrastructure

Accurate Broadband Connectivity Data is Key to Promoting Investment in New Infrastructure

The Elmore County Commission continues to work closely with the Elmore County Economic Development Authority (ECEDA) on ways to best facilitate and encourage the deployment of broadband infrastructure in the underserved areas of Elmore County. There are two efforts currently underway in our county working towards solving the lack of connectivity. One being on a national level and the other more specific to Elmore County. Both efforts involve ensuring accurate broadband connectivity data is in place to assist in investment decisions on where new broadband infrastructure should be deployed.

Broadband infrastructure in Elmore County is owned by a business and is not a taxpayer payer owned asset. Expansion of broadband infrastructure in our county by these businesses is predicated on data indicating the presence of a sufficient potential revenue stream from new customers. This predicted revenue stream is compared against the capital investment required and operating costs to determine profitability.

One data source broadband providers consider when determining the number of potential new  customers is the FCC connectivity coverage maps. Broadband and connectivity data is used by the FCC to create these coverage maps. The data is collected and reported to the FCC by the providers themselves. Two times per year providers submit to the FCC data reporting availability of  access and coverage, the number of providers in an area, available internet speeds along with other information related to  connectivity and broadband access. The Cable Act of 1996 mandates that the FCC encourage the deployment of broadband service by providers to all Americans on a reasonable and timely basis. If the FCC determines maps populated by this provider data shows broadband deployment into underserved areas is not taking place, the FCC is required to remove any barriers present in order to encourage infrastructure deployment in these underserved areas across the nation.  Connectivity data shown on these coverage maps  is displayed using 2010 Census Blocks maps. These FCC coverage maps are often inaccurate and inflated because the FCC takes this connectivity data submitted by the providers and allows the provider to consider a census block having full coverage even if the provider has service available in a small portion of the census block (Census Blocks are created from data collected when a census is performed every ten years and is how the population data is broken down into smaller identifiable areas within a larger area).  Due to the fact this connectivity and coverage data compiled by providers for FCC maps often show broadband infrastructure and  coverage in areas that actually have no coverage, it leaves many rural areas challenged to receive investment for new infrastructure since it appears they currently have access to broadband.

What can be done about the inaccurate maps?

Counties nationwide are dealing with this issue of inaccurate or incomplete data. In order to aid in the collection of more accurate connectivity data, the National Association of Counties (NACo) has been a part of creating the TestIT app. Released at the recent NACo Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, the app can be downloaded for iOS and Android devices. Once installed, the user can run a Speed Test that will evaluate the connection speed, provider and the location of where the test was performed. The app does not collect any personal data. Once the data is collected, the real-time location-based data is sent to a central data management center where it can be mapped. NACo is currently asking counties to help populate the data base with information that they hope to review and submit to the FCC later this fall. Citizens are encouraged to run speed tests in random areas of the county to help identify areas where connectivity and connection is overstated.

Local Planning Efforts

ECEDA is managing a county specific project aimed at increasing broadband opportunities in Elmore County as well. ECEDA has engaged a consultant that will produce a broadband connectivity/deployment report from data collected countywide. This report will identify the areas of the county that have no or limited access to broadband, explore currently available broadband infrastructure and expansion options, determine residential and business growth areas and needs, and identify potential service providers and operating models.  The report will be based on Elmore County specific data and will provide accurate information that can be used as a tool to promote and recruit new broadband infrastructure investment in our county.

Elmore County is not alone in dealing with connectivity issues; it is a problem in many areas of the country. Not unlike the rural electricity grid deployment of the 1940’s, lack of broadband access is an issue I am certain we can overcome. Collecting current real-time connectivity data will be an important step in our efforts to expand connectivity throughout the entire county.

Bart Mercer

Elmore County Emergency Management Agency’s 10th Annual Preparedness Fair is Saturday, April 13.

The Elmore County Emergency Management Agency will host the 10th annual Elmore County Preparedness Fair on Saturday April 13, 2019.

This year the event will take place in front of Lowe’s located at 4501 U.S. Hwy 231 Wetumpka between the hours of 10:00am to 1:00pm.

This event will bring together numerous local, tribal, state and federal agencies that all are a part of emergency preparedness, response and recovery serving Elmore County. Each of these agencies will have equipment and or information on display.

There will be information on Community Preparedness, Safety Resources and LifeSouth Bloodmobile will be onsite as well.

There will be bounce houses for the children to enjoy, preparedness tips and many emergency vehicles on display.

Come see the capabilities our first responders have to serve and keep citizens safe as possible.

For additional information you can contact the Elmore County EMA office at 334-567-6451 or as always let me know and I will help get what information you need.





4-8-19 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 4-8-19.

The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka.

Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.

If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.





Reminder: Monthly Countywide Cleanup Day is this Saturday 4-6-19

Reminder: Monthly Countywide cleanup day is this Saturday, 4-6-19

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. or until the truck is full.

The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors.

Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Coosada Post Office
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

If you have any question please contact me.
