April 22, 2019
The Elmore County Economic Development Authority (ECEDA) will host the State Championship Tournament of the Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association in Elmore County. The event will start with a pre-tournament meeting on Thursday night May 2nd with fishing to take place on Friday May 3th and Saturday May 4th. Visitors from across the State will be in the area to accompany the estimated 230 teams participating in the tournament.
Launch sites will be Bonner’s Landing on Lake Jordan and Jackson Lake Island on the Alabama River.
Weigh-ins will take place at Mill Creek Sports Complex in Millbrook on Friday, May 3rd and Saturday May 4th with the Junior High division starting at 1:00 pm and Senior High division at 2:00 pm and the public is invited to each weigh-in.
It is estimated that 950 hotel rooms will be needed accommodate visitors to our community and more than 2,500 meals will be purchased. Hotel rooms, meals, along with gas and related supplies being purchased will result in a very positive economic impact on our local businesses and economy overall.
The City of Millbrook and Mayor Al Kelly, Millbrook Chamber, Millbrook Economic Development Office, ECEDA, Elmore County Commission and many volunteers have worked to bring this tournament to our county and to make sure it is a huge success. We appreciate everyone’s effort to support sporting/tourism events taking place in our community that we are all so proud of.