Ingram Road to Open at 3:00 pm Today 

Below is a statement from the  Elmore County Commission concerning Ingram Road…….Bart

The Elmore County Commission would like to announce that the section of Ingram Rd north of Myrick Rd will reopen at 3pm today. County forces are currently completing the necessary work to prepare the road to be reopened later today.

Motorists are reminded to use caution even though this area of Ingram Road is open to traffic as crews will be putting the finishing touches associated with the two new concrete box culverts over the next several weeks.

The County Commission appreciates the patience exhibited by the public during this project. The opening of the northern culvert culminates a sequence of several road and bridge projects completed through the cooperative efforts of several local governments and utilities in the Millbrook/ Elmore/ Deatsville/ Coosada area.

Any questions related to this project can be directed to Richie Beyer, Elmore County Engineer at 334-567-1162 or [email protected]

Ingram Road Update- North Bridge Replacement Almost Complete 


The north bridge replacement project on Ingram Road is almost finished. 

County crews have completed the approaches and most of the shoulder work and are ready for paving tomorrow. 

The goal has been to finish before school buses start running this Wednesday. Paving and opening the road  tomorrow all depends on the rain not causing a delay. Right now the rain showing on the radar is not looking very positive but we will hope it holds off.

Thank you to the county crews that have worked so hard to get this project completed.


Ingram Road Update South Bridge Replacement Complete Will Open Today at 5:00

Statement and video on Ingram Road south bridge replacement project completion:​​​

​ August 4, 2017

The Elmore County Commission is pleased to announce that our Highway Department is opening the section of Ingram Rd just south of Myrick Road this afternoon. Traffic will be able to cross the newly installed culvert this afternoon beginning at 5pm.

The 3000 plus vehicles that travel Ingram Rd each day are reminded that the section of Ingram Rd north of Myrick Rd is still closed until the approach work for that culvert is complete. The County Commission hopes that the northern culvert will be opened next week as well. As with any road project, weather plays a major part in this project completing this project as planned.

While this stretch of road is open to traffic, motorists are still urged to proceed with caution as items of work, including additional paving, will occur on the newly opened stretch over the next several weeks.

Completion of improvements on Ingram Rd will cap off a series of improvements in the Millbrook/ Elmore/ Deatsville area that have been planned and executed over the past several years. The Commission appreciates the patience of the public as these improvements have been instituted along with the work and cooperation of our partners in our municipalities and our utilities.

Any questions related to the Ingram Rd project can direct their questions to Richie Beyer, Elmore County Engineer at [email protected] or 334-567-1162

Update on Ingram Road Bridge Replacement

Below  is an update on the Ingram Road Bridge Replacement project that is being rereleased today by the county commission.  

I want to add a special thank you to the people who have worked very hard to get these projects completed before school starts.


The Elmore County Commission through our Highway Department is actively working to complete the approach work for the two bridge replacements on Ingram Rd. H&L Construction completed their federally funded contract work to construct two reinforced concrete box culverts the week of July 15th. County forces moved in immediately after the contractor completed their responsibilities and has been diligently working to construct the remaining gabion basket retaining walls, place backfill material and base the road in preparation for paving.

County forces are working to try to reopen the road at both culverts before Wednesday, August 9th, to accommodate traffic on the first day of school for the Elmore County Board of Education. The completion of this project, like all road projects, is dependent on weather conditions, so the County Highway Department is communicating frequently with County Board of Education personnel to keep them informed of the most current conditions.

The County Highway Department is focusing its efforts to open the structure just south of Myrick Rd first as it services over 3000 vehicles per day. Crews will then shift all their attention to the structure just north of Myrick road for completion. The northern structure services around 850 vehicles per day.

The Elmore County Commission appreciates the patience that has been exhibited by the citizens affected by this improvement project. In addition, the Commission would also like to express its thanks to the men and women of our Highway Department, Elmore Water Authority and Millbrook Water and Sewer who have worked tirelessly to complete their portions of these projects. The Commission will release opening times for each structure as soon as practical.

Any questions related to this project can be directed to Richie Beyer, Elmore County Engineer at [email protected] or 334-567-1162


Elmore County Engineer Appointed to National Association of Counties Board

Below is a statement released by the Elmore County Commission today concerning Elmore County Engineer, Richie Beyer, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Counties.

NACo is a national organization that represents counties in each state with the primary task of lobbying, on the federal level, those issues that most impact the counties.

I can tell you from having attended some of the NACo Policy Steering Committee meetings, many county commissioners from across the U.S. do not have our local  conservative values nor do they place the high level of importance on private landowners’ rights as most of us do in Elmore County.

We are really fortunate to have Richie serving in this new capacity. We can be certain a conservative voice will be heard when NACo sets its federal legislative agenda it wil present to Congress on behalf of national counties.


The National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference and Exposition was held in Columbus, Ohio July 21-24.  On the last day of the Conference President Bryan Desloge gave way to the new president, Roy Charles Brooks of Tarrant County, Texas.  Greg Cox (San Diego County, CA) was installed as first Vice President, while Mary Ann Borgeson (Douglas County, Neb.) ran unopposed for the second Vice President position.

President Brooks announced his new appointments for the various steering committees.  Two National Association of County Engineers (NACE) members were reappointed to their respective leadership positions on the Transportation Steering Committee.  Richie Beyer (Elmore County, AL) and Dan Fedderly (WI County Highway Association) will continue as Vice-Chairs for the next year.  In addition, Richie was installed as the NACE representative on the NACo Board of Directors, starting his two-year term at the July 2017 meeting. NACo is the parent association of NACE and represents the nation’s 3,069 counties at the federal level. Richie is the first Alabama County Engineer  to serve in this role in recent history  and is a past president of NACE.

Several NACE drafted and/or supported resolutions were accepted by the Transportation Steering Committee and ultimately were adopted by the NACo membership.  Richie Beyer led the discussion on a Resolution in Support of Eliminating Regulatory Impediments for Effective Delivery of Federal Aid Projects.  Scott McGolpin (County of Santa Barbara, CA and the NACE Western Region Vice President) led the discussion on a Resolution in Support of Direct Funding to Local Governments for the Improvement and Maintenance of Local Roads in America within the Proposed Infrastructure Spending Bill.

 “The Elmore County Commission wants to be on the forefront of national and state issues so we can place our county in the best position possible to succeed. Participation at the state and federal level to ensure local government can adequately serve our citizens is a critical element of that success,” stated Troy Stubbs, Elmore County Commission Chairman.

Ingram Road Bridge Replacement Update

Elmore County Highway Deptpartment crews are working closely behind the bridge contractor to do the County’s portion of the bridge replacement project on Ingram Road. 

The goal is to have both bridge projects completed and Ingram Road reopened before August 9th. 

This goal will be dependent upon the weather as we all know.


Back to School Sales Tax Holiday

Below provided by Commission Staff

The Elmore County Commission is pleased to announce participation in the Annual Back to School Sales Tax Holiday beginning Friday, July 21 at 12:01am (CST) ending at midnight on Sunday, July 23, 2017. On April 27, 2017, the Commission approved a Resolution authorizing participation in the Sales Tax Holiday (authorized by Act No. 2017-120) and each year after beginning at 12:01am on the third Friday in July and ending at twelve midnight on the third Sunday in July.

Generally, the sales tax holiday offers shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain items priced at $100 or less per item free of state and county sales tax. School supplies, computer systems/supplies ($750 or less), and clothing are some common items included. During the sales tax holiday, protective equipment and sports or recreational equipment may also qualify for the tax exemption. For more specifics regarding approved items, log on to Happy shopping!

Reminder: County Wide Clean Up is Today

Reminder: County Wide Clean up is today 9:00 – 1:00.
These are the pick up locations today:
CEWSA Redland Facility

Holtville High School

Elmore County Judicial Complex

Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center

Kent – Old Highway Department

Town of Elmore