Ingram Road Update South Bridge Replacement Complete Will Open Today at 5:00

Statement and video on Ingram Road south bridge replacement project completion:​​​

​ August 4, 2017

The Elmore County Commission is pleased to announce that our Highway Department is opening the section of Ingram Rd just south of Myrick Road this afternoon. Traffic will be able to cross the newly installed culvert this afternoon beginning at 5pm.

The 3000 plus vehicles that travel Ingram Rd each day are reminded that the section of Ingram Rd north of Myrick Rd is still closed until the approach work for that culvert is complete. The County Commission hopes that the northern culvert will be opened next week as well. As with any road project, weather plays a major part in this project completing this project as planned.

While this stretch of road is open to traffic, motorists are still urged to proceed with caution as items of work, including additional paving, will occur on the newly opened stretch over the next several weeks.

Completion of improvements on Ingram Rd will cap off a series of improvements in the Millbrook/ Elmore/ Deatsville area that have been planned and executed over the past several years. The Commission appreciates the patience of the public as these improvements have been instituted along with the work and cooperation of our partners in our municipalities and our utilities.

Any questions related to the Ingram Rd project can direct their questions to Richie Beyer, Elmore County Engineer at [email protected] or 334-567-1162