Commission Meeting 2-23-17 Agenda

Many weeks back the County Commission meeting that would normally be scheduled for next Monday night was rescheduled to Thursday 2-23-17 due to the majority for the Commissioners attending a conference.

This is the meeting agenda for the 2-23-17 meeting.

If you have any questions or comments please share them.


Follow Up on the Probate Judge /Attorney Issue

Follow Up on the Probate Judge /Attorney Issue


At next Monday night’s meeting, the Elmore County Commission is scheduled to hear from Judge John Enslen concerning proposed legislation with regards to qualifications of future candidates for probate judge. It is my understanding he will request the Commission support legislation to be placed on the ballot in 2018, in Elmore County. The proposed legislation would expand the powers of the Probate Judge in cases that originate in Probate Court and would also require starting in 2025 all future candidates for Probate Judge to be a license attorney.

First let me diffuse a rumor. The proposed legislation IS NOT asking the legislative delegation to introduce legislation that would actually mandate the probate judge be a licensed attorney. The proposed legislation if passed by the legislature would pose that question to the voters of Elmore county. If passed by the legislature the issue would be put to a vote in 2018.

Second, after reviewing the proposed legislation these are my best interpretations of the changes that would be enacted if the proposed legislation is passed by the legislature and approved by the voters.

  1. Under current law, if a case is filed in Probate Court and during the proceedings certain legal issues arise that the Probate Judge cannot legally rule on, then a case has to be filed in Circuit Court and a Circuit Judge has to rule on that specific issue. Then the Circuit Judge’s ruling is sent back to the Probate Court case to proceed forward. The proposed legislation would allow the Probate Judge to rule on those issues and the case would be handled totally in Probate Court.
  1. Since the powers of the Probate Judge would be expanded and similar to the authorities of a Circuit Judge, then any person elected Probate Judge would be required to be a licensed attorney.

The same changes in the proposed legislation have been given to the Probate Judge in 4 other counties in Alabama. As the representative of the people in District 4, I feel it is my responsibility in situations related to how the government “governs” or expands the powers of the government that the voters should determine the merits of the proposed changes and make the ultimate decision. However, we should exercise due diligence to ensure issues proposed are valid and prudent issues before putting through a lengthy legislative and ballot process.

These are my thoughts please share yours by contacting me HERE.

Proposed Legislation – Mandate that the Probate Judge in Elmore County be an Attorney

As you may or may not know, an Elmore County Commissioner has very, very limited powers to impose rules on the citizens of Elmore County and I don’t think that is a bad thing.

In order for there to be any action taken that relates to how a citizen is “Governed”, in general, it takes the County Commission to request those members of the State Legislature that represent Elmore County to introduce a Local Bill in the Alabama State Legislature and that entire body has to approve it.

Within the last business day Elmore County Probate Judge John Enslen has sent to the Commission a proposed Bill that would in-part mandate a Probate Judge be an Attorney in Elmore County. The way it is currently written, if approved by the State Legislature, this issue would be on the ballot for Elmore County citizens to vote on during the election of 2018.

Currently there is no mandate that the Probate Judge in Elmore County be an Attorney. A person that is an Attorney can run to be elected for that office as can a person that is not an Attorney can run and the citizens can choose who they want.

I have already sent Judge Enslen some questions and I will share the info when I get it.

This is not a new issue and has been discussed in public (prior to me being appointed to the Commission) for months which is why this topic is the most popular item people currently talk with me about in support of and in opposition.

I will post updates as I get additional information on things I am hearing from those on both side of the issue and am asking for your input.

What are your thoughts on this subject?  Contact me HERE.

Elmore County Legislative Day at the Statehouse

Today Senator Chambliss hosted a group of Elmore County elected officials and County Department heads at the Alabama Statehouse.

We had an opportunity to spend time speaking with our entire legislative delegation and to attend a committee hearing where Alabama Department of Corrections Commissioner Jeff Dunn was one of the speakers discussing the proposed Prison Reform Bill that will be considered by the legislature this session.

For those that may not be aware, if passed, the effects this Prison Reform Bill could have on Elmore County are huge. Elmore County is home to more prisons than any other county in the state and has a large number of A.D.O.C. employees that have a very large economic impact on our county. Rest assured there is an ongoing effort to protect the best interest of Elmore County.

We appreciate Senators Chambliss and Brewbaker and Representatives Holmes, Ingram and Beckman for taking time out of their busy schedules to be with us.

Saturday Morning Severe Weather-Round 2 Tonight

This morning’s severe weather caused widespread flooding primarily on the West side of the county with much of the property damage on the Central and Eastern portions. There were many reports of property damage and about 180 power outages reported.

When threatening and dangerous Storm are approaching, the Elmore County EMA opens the Emergency Operations Center. During a storm event this is where calls for service that come directly to the EOC or that come through the Sheriffs department are in-part dispatched or monitored.

Post-storm damage reports and response is managed by this same staff comprised of County employees and volunteers.

Once the storm passed I was at the EOC getting a status report on damage and the response in District 4 and then visited many areas that saw flooding or property damage.

Storms Round 2 is approaching with significant wind, rain and possible tornados overnight. Please moniter weather reports and stay safe. Bart

County Wide Transportation Plan

Did you know the Elmore County is one of the only if not the only County in the State that has a County-Wide Transportation plan that all Commissioners, Mayors and Councils have agreed to?

This means on the major roads in the County there is a plan on how best correct many of the known safety or traffic flow issues. It also means when Elmore County asks for assistance on a highway related project, ALDOT and our Elmore County legislative delegation know Elmore County leaders are unified in how they prioritize these projects.

This Plan is updated every four years and this Wednesday is when an update meeting took place that I attended.

The next step is for each municipality to review this with their Council with the ultimate goal for all to agree.

I appreciate our County Engineer Richie Beyer and his staff for facilitating this effort.

There are many projects in District 4 on this plan and with all Elmore County leaders working together we can achieve a lot for District 4 and the entire County.