Millbrook Business Park Ground Breaking

Thanks to the City of Millbrook, Mayor Kelly and the City Council, there is a new place of opportunity on the west side of Elmore County where great things can take place.

Today was the ground breaking ceremony for the Millbrook Business Park.

Up until today there has been no similar development to offer businesses as a potential place to locate in Millbrook or on the west side of Elmore County.

The Business Park is located at 2880 Grandview Road and at this point takes in about 67 Acres divided into 10 Sites with additional area available for future development.

The Elmore County Commission had the opportunity to work with the City of Millbrook on this project and I am certain the community will realize the benefits for many years.

We appreciate Senator Chambliss for being with us today, he is always there to support the effort in Elmore County regardless of what is happening.

I also appreciate the efforts of the Elmore County Economic Development Authority and look forward to great things to come.


Ingram Road Bridge Improvements

If you have been on Deatsville Hwy in the last few days you see Millbrook’s resurfacing project has started.

I understand traffic flow and travel times will be impacted for hopefully no more than a couple more weeks but that could change so please make plans.

The County Highway Department has already started construction of the Gabion basket retaining walls on Ingram Rd in advance of the upcoming bridge replacement project to accommodate the wider new concrete box culvert inside the existing county right-of-way.

This  project is scheduled to start the first part of May.

Your tax dollars at work!



Elmore County EMA 8th Annual Preparedness Fair

Each year the Elmore County Emergency Management Agency host the Elmore County Preparedness Fair which serves to promote the importance of emergency preparedness.

This year the event will be at the Wetumpka High School, Saturday, April 8, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

This event will bring together numerous agencies that are a part of emergency preparedness, response and recovery that serve Elmore County with each agency having equipment and or information on display.

There will be information on community preparedness such as Basic Storm Spotter Training, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training and First Aid/CPR/AED training.

The National Weather Service will also be providing a SKYWARN Basic Spotter Training Class from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 during the Preparedness Fair. For more information on this course visit

The children can enjoy a bounce house, face painting and all will enjoy free food and drinks.

For additional information you can contact the Elmore County EMA office at 334-567-6451 or as always let me know and I will help get what information you need.


District 4 Input Needed: Sunday Alcohol Sales

Like I said when I was first sworn in as a Commissioner, it is my goal to work for you and make the best decisions for the citizens in District 4 and all of Elmore County. In order to accomplish this goal, I need to hear from you regarding an important issue that came before the Commission. I feel it is my duty to not allow my personal feelings to be the deciding factor when I vote on an issue and this is a good example of such an issue.

Subject:  Sunday Alcohol Sales in Elmore County

The Commission as a whole has received numerous requests from business owners that are asking the Commission pass a resolution requesting our legislative delegation introduce a local Bill that would allow the sale of alcohol on Sunday.

General Information Related to the topic:
On-Premise Sales – an example is when someone buys alcohol in a restaurant
Off-Premise Sales – an example is when someone buys alcohol in a grocery store or convenience store

As I understand it, currently this is what is allowed as far as Sunday Sales in Elmore County:
Millbrook and Wetumpka – On premise
Tallassee – Off Premise
Kowaliga Restaurant, Lake Martin –  On Premise
All other areas in Elmore County sales are not allowed on Sunday

This is the reasoning, in general, we are hearing from businesses at this current time and why the Commission is being asked to pursue this.

Elmore County is a hub for local recreation and tourism during the Spring and Summer with people going to Lake Martin and Lake Jordan.

Off Premise sales are currently allowed on Sunday in Montgomery County.  As of last November Tallapoosa County businesses were allowed to sell on Sunday.

As most of us all know, Lake Martin and Lake Jordan are very popular attractions for Elmore County residents and for tourists primarily during the Spring and Summer months.  With the larger of the two lakes taking in a portion of Tallapoosa and Elmore County, those businesses located on and around Lake Martin and also those businesses located on the roads leading to Lake Martin fear since Tallapoosa County businesses are now allowed Off Premise Sunday Sales, the Elmore County businesses in this same general area will be at a great disadvantage on one of the two busiest days of the week.

I have done some research over the last few days and have spoken with a person that operates multiple convenience stores in the river region. They told me the store they operate that is located in Montgomery County and is closest to Elmore County will see a 40% – 50% increase in sales on Sunday depending on the time of the year. They went on to say this didn’t mean it was all related to alcohol sales, but alcohol sales were a large part of the increase.

I spoke with another person that has once owned a convenience store in Elmore County and they told me their store was open on Sunday but all they sold was gas, very little in-store purchases  and at the time there was not much profit in gas sales.

These are some of the thoughts that have been shared with me when I have asked people their opinion:

This is a basic economic decision. Not selling alcohol in Elmore County is not going to prevent people from drinking on Sunday so this is not about an individuals opinion on consuming alcohol on Sunday. If you don’t want to drink alcohol on Sunday then don’t buy it, but don’t allow my business to operate at a competitive disadvantage when similar businesses in neighboring counties are now allowed to sell on Sunday. It is making my business only competitive 6 days a week.

Sunday is the Lords day and it should be kept Holy.

People are going to drink on Sunday regardless if they buy it in Elmore County or drive to Montgomery County. If you don’t want to consume on Sunday then don’t buy it.

One guy told me it would be great to not have to drive to the Chevron on the interstate in Montgomery on Sunday to buy beer.

This would be an economic decision. The Commission needs to best position its businesses to compete.


This is what I know, please share your thoughts because I will be voting on this issue not based on my personal convictions but based on what the people of District 4 direct me to do. I am certain regardless of how I vote there will be someone unhappy with my actions but I am committed to voting at the direction of the majority of the people in District 4.



Railroad Crossing Closing Update

The Elmore County EMA office sent out this update today concerning the railroad maintenance CSX is currently preforming in our area and specifically details on the railroad crossing closings.

If you have any questions about this please let me know.



CSX Rail Maintenance

Be aware CSX Railroad will start a rail maintenance project in our area the week of March 6 2017.

This rail maintenance work will begin in the Coosada area and while the work on the rail itself will not interfere with vehicle traffic flow ,the maintenance taking place at each of these crossings will.

We understand each of these crossings will be closed for a period of time at some point after March 6 2017.

Prattville Junction

Rogers Dr

Coosada Rd

Pecan Grove Rd

Private Crossing

Gas Plant

Gaddis Dr

Lucky Town Rd/ Fire Station Rd

Cypress Rd /CR 40

CR 7/Deatsville Hwy

Alpha Springs Rd/CR 85

