Heavy Rain Causes Road Damage

The rain last night and numerous bands of showers seen in our area all day has caused road damage in some areas of District 4.

A portion of Harris Road has been closed, there is significant erosion or potholes in sections of Politic, Friendly Pine and Mercer Roads. This is due to the heavy rains and water flowing over the roads in many areas.

It was reported to me by a resident of Ingram Road that their rain gauge showed over 4 inches of rain has fallen in the last 24 hours and over 8 inches this week.

Maintenance of different portions of these particular damaged roads are the responsibility of the Town of Elmore and the County but the Town contracts with the County to maintain its roads.

After spending much time with our County Engineer today, I spoke with him again late this afternoon and he is aware of those roads needing repair in the Politic, Harris, Mercer Road areas.

The goal is to start these repairs Monday morning but more rainfall is predicted into the weekend and it will need to dry out some before repairs can start.

If you need to report a road that needs to be graded you can call the Highway Dept at 334-567-1162 directly or as always contact me. 

Stay Dry.

More Rain-Be Careful

I have been riding many areas of District 4 this morning and you don’t need me to tell you it has rained a tremendous amount since yesterday.

Drive slow today and watch for water over roads. Creeks are near capacity and more rain is falling.

County crews are already out watching common trouble spots during heavy rain.


ALDOT to Start Resurfacing Project on Hwy 14 in Millbrook

Below is a media advisory from ALDOT.



Resurfacing project on Alabama Highway 14 in Millbrook to begin Wednesday

MILLBROOK, Ala.- Signs have been placed for an Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) resurfacing project on Alabama Highway 14 from east of Interstate 65 to west of Alabama Highway 143.

The resurfacing project will begin Wednesday, June 21, weather permitting.

Motorists are advised to use caution while traveling through a construction zone and expect delays.

ALDOT awarded the $1,153,147 contract to Asphalt Contractors, Inc., out of Montgomery, who had the lowest bid that met project requirements. The projected should be completed by the end of August.

ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation network across Alabama.



Brantley Kirk

Alabama Department of Transportation

Southeast Region

334-353-6862 Office

[email protected]

Millbrook Chamber Annual Membership Meeting

Millbrook Chamber’s annual membership meeting was well attended at the Natureplex at Lanark yesterday.

New Chamber Board members were sworn in by Mayor Al Kelley and outgoing Board President Bill Myers passed to gavel to incoming Board President Kevin Kelley.

Thank you Tim Gothard, the Alabama Wildlife Federation, the Chamber staff and volunteers along with Alabama Power for making it a great event.


Grandview YMCA Ribbon Cutting on Facility Improvements

It was a great day to be a part of the Ribbon Cutting event at the Grandview YMCA on a few of the many facility upgrades that are a part of their overall Master Plan.

Bill Myers, the YMCA Board, Staff, Members and Supporters all have big plans for this facility to make it a bigger asset to our community than it already is.

I appreciate their efforts and their investments in our community, families and our children.



Ingram Road Bridge Project Update

Have you wondered whats going on behind the road barrier?

Now that the rain has stopped for a few consecutive days progress is being made on the bridge replacement projects currently taking place on Ingram Road.

The picture is of the bridge between Myrick Road and Mercer Road.



Reminder: County Wide Clean Up is Today

Reminder: County Wide Clean up is today 9:00 – 1:00.

People are already lining up at Coosada Town Hall.

These are the pick up locations today:
CEWSA Redland Facility
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department
Town of Coosada

Ingram Road Bridge Replacement Progress

This is an update on the bridge replacement project taking place on Ingram Road.

Information provided by Elmore County Engineer Richie Beyer

H&L Construction is working to pour the floor of a concrete box culvert that is replacing one of the two remaining structurally deficient bridges on Ingram Rd.

The Elmore County Commission secured federal funds to replace the two bridges on Ingram Rd through the Montgomery Metropolitan Planning Organization.

This bridge replacement project is the second phase of improvements to Ingram Rd.

Cooperative efforts from the City of Millbrook and the Elmore Water Authority have helped to make this project a reality.