Irma Afffecting Elmore County

Just left the Elmore County emergency operations center. 

The first reports of Irma affecting Elmore were coming in with a few reports of trees down in the south eastern part of the county.

The forecasts I have seen show winds speeds will be lower than initially estimated so let’s hope this stays consistent.

Be safe and aware of the weather.

More to come….


Update on Hurricane Irma: Impacts Elmore County Commission Operations

Statement just released by the Elmore County Commission.

In an effort to protect our citizens and county employees, the Elmore County Commission is closing all county offices on Monday, Sept 11th. Public safety and public works personnel will still report to duty for response and recovery operations. Any county employee who is unsure whether to report for work should contact his/ her department head immediately.

In addition, the Elmore County Commission is cancelling the normally scheduled County Commission meeting for Monday night, Sept 11th. Notice will be placed accordingly to reschedule the meeting for Monday, Sept 18th.


Stay Safe!


Elmore County Advanced Disposal Routes/Countywide Clean Up Schedule Change

Advaned Disposal has just notified the County Commission of the follow change in the Monday and possible Tuesday routes which will cause a change in the countywide clean up scheduled for next Saturday :

Due to Hurricane Irma, Advanced Disposal will not operate normal routes on Monday. Provided roads are open Tuesday, routes will resume a day late.
This change due to weather will also affect the scheduled countywide cleanup date on Saturday Sept 16. The cleanup Day will be rescheduled for Sat Sept 23.
Residents on the Monday route should not place cans curbside as they will most likely be overturned during the projected tropical force winds.

Update on Irma and the Affects in Elmore County

Today media outlets are communicating on a regular basis information related to Irma and how it will affect a wide area of people across the southeast.
I, along with many other agency representatives and elected officials, attended a briefing hosted by the National Weather Service this afternoon and this is how I understand it will, in general, affect Elmore County. I have also included other information as well.
We have seen wind speeds increase today and are gusting in some areas of Elmore county. It is forecast that sustained wind speeds will start to increase Monday morning and by Monday afternoon we should start seeing the first of the 20-40 mph sustained winds. 

Monday evening Elmore county will start feeling the effects of sustained winds speeds of 30-35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph and will remain forceful until early Tuesday morning. 

It is forecast our area will receive 2-4″ of rain during the time this storm travels through our area starting Monday morning.

Impacts we can expect are down trees and power lines 
If your power goes out call Alabama Power or Central Alabama Electric, whichever company services your area. If there is a power line down, call 911 to report this hazardous condition. 
The county highway department started last week positioning response equipment that might be needed and will be positioning additional equipment around the county Monday morning.

At this point there is a lower potential for tornadoes for those in ELCO than our neighbors to the east of us.
Currently 17 Safer Places locations are open in Elmore County. These are not FEMA approved sites but are safer places of refuge where people can go. To find these sites go to .  Anything you need to sustain yourself while at these sites should be brought with you. Meals and comfort  items will not be provided at these sites. 
The Elmore County Emergency Operations Center will be at an activation Level 2 early Monday morning where this storm and its impact on out area will be monitored by Elmore county EMA personal along with responding agencies representatives. 

We appreciate all of our local responding agencies that are prepared to serve our citizens when needed and especially our volunteer fire departments in the county for being such a vital part of this effort.

Be very aware of the weather conditions as they can change quickly.


Statement from Elmore County Commission on Preparations for Irma

Below is a link to a statement from the Elmore County Commission related to the preparations being made for Irma impacting our area.

There is another conference call with the National Weather Service scheduled for this afternoon and we are hoping to  be informed the storm is diminishing in strength as it moves north.



Statement from Elmore County Commission

Preparing for Possible Impacts of Irma on Elmore County

I am at the Elmore County emergency operations center with many agencies that would respond to any possible impacts the remnants of Irma could have on Elmore county.  The National Weather Service is hosting a conference call to brief the counties on the expected weather conditions. 

Elmore County will be well positioned to respond if needed thanks to great planning by our county EMA, assistance by our volunteer fire departments and many other local agencies that would respond.

I will share my thoughts on what we should expect when this system rolls through later today.

Please be aware of the current weather forecast.


Millbrook Men’s Club Annual Labor Day BBQ

Just left the Millbrook Men’s Club Annual Labor Day BBQ and they still had plenty of BBQ to sell.

They are located at the Village Green Park area across from the softball fields and they normally sell out.

I appreciate what this groups does to help serve our community.
