Tropical Storm Nate – Impact on Elmore County Update 10-8-17 6:00am

This is the most recent update from the Elmore county EMA on the impact of Nate is forecast to have on Elmore county. Theseare some  general facts:

Nate has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm as it has moved into southwestern Alabama.  
 · Maximum sustained winds forecast for Elmore County are approximately 22 to 25 mph with gusts of 30 to 35 mph being possible.

· Approximate timing of winds: winds begin to increase around 7:00 a.m. with peak winds being between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. this Sunday afternoon

· 2 to 4 inches of rainfall will still be possible over the weekend

· Being on the east side of the storm, the possibility of seeing brief, spin-up, short lived tornadoes remains

· Elmore County remains under a Tropical Storm Warning and a Flash Flood Watch

 We will continue to send out updates as significant changes are made to the forecast along with posting those updates to our website at and social media. At this point, we do not anticipate any changes.


Below are three graphics from the NWS Office in Birmingham.

Hurricane Nate – Impact on Elmore County Update 8:00pm

This is the most recent update from the Elmore county EMA on the impact Hurricane Nate is forecast to have on Elmore county. These are some general facts:

The forecast track of the storm has shifted a bit more to the west this afternoon, so if this shift in the track holds our impacts will be bit less. We can still expect some wobbles east to west in the forecast track and we just need to stay prepared at this point for the following for Elmore County.

 · maximum sustained winds for Elmore County are approximately 30 mph with gusts of 40 to 45 mph being possible.

· Approximate timing of winds: winds begin to increase around 7:00 a.m. with peak winds being between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon (this timing may shift a couple of hours either way)

· 2 to 4 inches of rainfall will still be possible over the weekend beginning Saturday evening through Sunday night

· being on the east side of the storm, there is a possibility of seeing brief, spin-up, short lived tornadoes

· Elmore County remains under a Tropical Storm Warning that was issued at 4:17 a.m. Saturday morning

· Elmore County also remains under a Flash Flood Watch

 The timing and the impacts from the exact track of the system will continue to be monitored very closely by our office. We will continue to send out updates as significant changes are made to the forecast along with posting those updates to our website at and social media. At this point, we do not anticipate many changes.  

 Below is the latest graphic from the National Hurricane Center and a couple of graphics from the NWS Office in Birmingham.


Tropical Storm Nate – Impact on Elmore County Update

Elmore county EMA has just sent out an update on the impact Hurricane Nate is forecast to have on Elmore county.  These are some general facts:

Hurricane Nate is expected to make landfall in coastal Mississippi as a Cat 2 Hurricane. Winds are stronger due to Nate staying over the open water of the Gulf. 
Maximum sustained winds for Elmore County are 30 to 40 mph with gusts of 50 mph being possible.

Approximate timing of winds: winds begin to increase around 7:00 a.m. Sunday with peak winds being between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon.  (this timing may shift a couple of hours either way)

 2 to 4 inches of rainfall will be possible over the weekend beginning Saturday evening through Sunday night

Being on the east side of the storm, there is a possibility of seeing brief, spin-up, short lived tornadoes

Elmore County was included in a Tropical Storm Warning that was issued at 4:17 a.m. this morning

Elmore County has also been placed under a Flash Flood Watch

 The timing and the impacts from the exact track of the system will be monitored closely and County staff will be prepared to react as needed.

Below is the latest graphic from the National Hurricane Center and a cof graphic from the NWS Office in Birmingham.

Watch all media outlets and social for updates and be safe.



Tropical Storm Nate – Impact on Elmore County Update

Below is the most recent update from the Elmore County EMA concerning the anticipated impact Tropical Storm Nate will have on Elmore County.  

I have been in contact with our department heads today and they are working together to appropriately react and respond to any storm related situation.



We’ve got a few updates on Tropical Storm Nate below from the NWS Weather Forecast Office in Birmingham after the latest updates and model runs. Tropical Storm Nate has begun to move rapidly to the north, now moving at 21 mph. There is still a lot of uncertainty as to how well organized and how strong the system will become. At this time the track has shifted a bit further back to the east, bringing the track directly over our area in Elmore County during the day on Sunday.

Tropical Storm Nate is going to be a small, compact fast moving system. As the track shifts the impacts change greatly due to either being in the track of the storm or not.  At this point and being right in the track of the storm as it moves northeast across Alabama, the maximum sustained winds for Elmore County are 30 to 40 mph with gusts of 50 to 60 mph being possible. 2 to 4 inches of rainfall will be possible over the weekend. As Elmore County will be on the east side of the storm, there is a possibility of seeing brief, spin-up, short lived tornadoes. A Tropical Storm Watch or Warning may be issued later today or even tomorrow for areas of Central Alabama. Below are three graphics from the NWS Weather Forecast Office in Birmingham.

The timing and the impacts from the exact track of the system will be monitored closely. We will continue to send out updates as significant changes are made to the forecast along with posting those updates to our website at and social media.

ACCA Legislative Committee Meeting 

Today I represented Elmore County at the first meeting of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama, Legislative Committee in Montgomery.

This committee will be tasked with working with the members of our legislature on issues that affect our counties both locally and statewide.

It was interesting to hear many other Commissioners talk about the limited access to broadband in their county just like we are dealing with in Elmore county. We all know the lack of broadband access adversely affects our citizens and our businesses, but many spoke about how it affects farmers since agriculture is more embracing technology, our students and it limits the access to tele-medicine.

Hearing others talk today confirmed what we have determined to be true in our efforts to address this issue in Elmore county; this is a widespread problem, the long term solution will not be very simple, investment in infrastructure has not kept up with the need for access, it will cost a lot of money to correct this issue but it can be resolved. 

Broadband wasn’t the only issue facing counties that was discussed but it was the topic discussed the most.

More to come.


Millbrook’s 40th Birthday Bash A Big Hit

Millbrook went all out tonight to celebrate its 40th birthday held at the Alabama Wildlife Federation . 

I saw many great friends, enjoyed some good food and even saw my long-time friend and first mayor of Millbrook Gene Jones.

Great job Mayor Kelley, City Council, Staff , Volunteers and Sponsors for putting on such a great event,

Elmore County’s Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap for Broadband High-Speed Internet Access

It was not too long ago that access to high-speed internet was merely a convenience, but in today’s society that has changed. Now the lack of access could adversely impact the efficient operation of business or lessen one’s quality of life and is now more of a necessity.

The education of our children builds the next generation of workers, leaders and business owners, and the successful education of these young people, and our adults as well, is largely dependent on having access to technology. Internet access is also the backbone of keeping existing businesses and recruiting new industry in an ever changing high-tech world. Limited access to these types of services, like in some areas of Elmore County, adversely affects not only businesses but also its residences.

In order to increase the accessibility of broadband in Elmore County, an investment of private dollars in the countywide infrastructure must be made. Investment in the expansion of broadband access in Elmore County has not kept up with the growth we have seen in Elmore County over the recent years, and it has not kept up with the need we all now have for Broadband in our everyday lives.

The Elmore County Commission recognizes that there is a large portion of under-served residents in our county with regards to high speed access.  Since this past May, in my capacity as the point of contact for economic development issues for the county commission, I have been working closely with the Elmore County Economic Development Authority (ECEDA) to actively promote business opportunities in Elmore County.  ECEDA is approaching this matter just as they would any economic development effort and are engaging cable/high speed internet providers making them aware of the investment opportunities present in Elmore County.

We are confident investment in infrastructure to increase broadband access will be made in the near future. We are also working toward putting a long-term plan together where public grant dollars or private investment dollars can be used to increase access. Good things are surely to come from these efforts as we all work towards improving Elmore County.

Bart Mercer

Elmore County Administrator Makes Plans to Retire

The Elmore County Commission has released the below statement concerning our County Administrator Grace McDuffie announcing her retirement October 31, 2017.

Grace has been very helpful over the last 9 months in my efforts to learn all I could about the our county commission and the budget we manage.

I appreciate her service to the county and wish her all the best.


News Release McDuffie Retirement 9-28-17


Millbrook 40th Birthday Bash this Friday

Millbrook will be celebrating its 40th Birthday this Friday  September 29th at the Alabama Wildlife Federation pavilion.
There will be activities for the children, live music, food for sale and a huge fireworks show.
Tickets can be purchased at the Millbrook City Hall, on the city’s website  or at the Millbrook Chamber of Commerce office. The cost is $20.00 per adult and ages 15 and under are free with adult.
Gates open at 4:30, the event starts at 5:00 and live music starts at 6:00.
This will be a great community event!