County Infrastructure System- A Silent Crisis in Alabama

Elmore County Chief Engineer and Operations Officer Richie Beyer recently made a presentation to the Alabama Legislative Infrastructure Committee on the current need for additional funding for County infrastructure in Alabama. The presentation focused on an update to a county needs assessment last completed in 2010 called the “Silent Crisis” which is a very good description of the situation counties face.

One of the major contributors to this lack of funding is the reduced buying power of the current infrastructure funding levels. An analysis preformed in 2010 by the Association of County Engineers of Alabama determined that statewide counties need  $502 million annually to properly resurface/replace county roads and bridges but in this same year $369 million was available, a $133 million shortfall. In 2018 the funding needs for county infrastructure statewide has risen to $559 million, a $190 million shortfall.

These number comparisons assume all county infrastructure dollars will go to county road resurfacing and bridge replacement but in reality spending all funds only on resurfacing and bridge replacement is not possible. These same dollars also need to be spent on the costs associated with right of way mowing, pothole repair, bridges inspections, ditch maintenance, dirt road maintenance and many other vital transportation maintenance needs counties have. When you factor in expenses to fund these other needed maintenance items the shortfall counties face statewide grows from $190 million to $411 million.

In 2012. Alabama implemented the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program (ATRIP) which resulted in funding made available to counties. For many counties, the amount of federally backed funding individual counties saw equated to 15-20 years of current infrastructure improvement funding levels. The ATRIP program resulted in Elmore county receiving $18 million in road and bridge funding that allowed for improvements to 106 miles of county roads over a three-year period. The reality of this program was that during the past five years the allocation Elmore County was able to expend was less than 60% of the annual investment needed to adequately address road and bridge needs over that same period.

If approved by our state legislature, a program known as ATRIP II would be the funding mechanism that would again serve as a short-term fix to this long-term funding problem.

County roads and bridges are a county’s largest asset. Maintaining that taxpayers’ investment along with providing a safe, smooth transportation system is one of the top priorities.


(Select slides from Beyer presentation)

2-12-18 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 2-12-18.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.

Reminder: Countywide Cleanup Day is Today 2-10-18

Reminder: County wide cleanup day Today Saturday February 10th

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.
Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Coosada  Town Hall
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

Any question please let me know.

Student Anglers in Millbrook Tonight

Student anglers from across Alabama are at the Pavillion at Lanark tonight attending a pre-tournament meeting. These student anglers will fish Lake Jordan tomorrow and finish with a weigh in at 2:00 at the Wetumpka High School.

The Elmore County Commission is proud to be a part of helping to bring about 125 boats and 400 anglers and parents to Elmore County. I appreciate the Elmore County Economic Department Authority, the Alabama Wildlife Federation and City of Millbrook Mayor Kelley for supporting this great event.


Elmore County Welcomes Student Anglers From Across Alabama this Weekend

Below is a Media Release from the Elmore County Economic Development Authority about Elmore County hosting the Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association on Lake Jordan this weekend.

Thank you to all the sponsors, volunteers and parents that make this event happen and invest their time and resources in our students.




Wetumpka-  Elmore County to host a qualifier tournament for the Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association on Lake Jordan this weekend. The event will launch at Bonner’s Point Boat Landing, 222 Bonners Point Rd., Wetumpka, Saturday morning at safe light (approx. 6:15 am).  Weigh-in, hosted by the Wetumpka High School Bass Fishing Team, will begin shortly after 2:00 pm at the Wetumpka High School, 1251 Coosa River Parkway, Wetumpka.

A Friday night pre-tournament meeting for anglers will be at Lanark, Alabama Wildlife Federation, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook starting at 6:30 pm.

The tournament will be aired live on Facebook Live from the ASABFA Facebook Page. Student anglers from across Alabama will participate in the event.

For more information visit the Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association web site: or contact Wetumpka High School Bass Fishing Team Coach Barry Corbman at (334) 300-4437 or Elmore County Economic Development Authority Executive Director Leisa Findley at (334) 399-8014.








Lake Martin – The Positive Impact This Natural Resources has on Elmore County

Lake Martin not only adds to the quality of life in Elmore County but it also has a major positive economic impact on our county.

This morning members of the Elmore County Commission, the Elmore County Economic Development Authority and other Elmore County representatives attended the presentation of the Fiscal and Economic Development Impact of Lake Martin study at Central Alabama Community College.

We were presented with information on the huge impact Lake Martin has on Elmore, Tallapoosa and Coosa counties. A high percentage of the total land value in Elmore County is present on the shores of Lake Martin and this equates to a major positive impact on the annual property tax collections for the county.

It is good to be reminded of how blessed we are to live in a community with great natural resources and the positive impact our lakes have on not just Elmore but surrounding counties as well.

Link to 144 page report:




Reminder: Countywide Cleanup Day is This Saturday 2-10-18

Reminder: County wide cleanup day is this Saturday February 10th

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.
Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Coosada  Town Hall
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

Any question please let me know.

Mardi Gras Events in Millbrook This Saturday

Many Mardi Gras events are taking place in Millbrook this Saturday

The Millbrook First United Methodist Church will have a 8K/5K/1 Mile Run at the Millbrook Grandview YMCA Saturday morning.  The money raised will be used for Youth Mission projects. For more information visit

The Millbrook Revelers Mari Gras Festival and Parade will take place this Saturday as well. There will be vendors and music in the Village Green Park starting about 9:00 a.m. The parade will start at Noon and will begin at the Smoke House BBQ restaurant on Main street and end just past City Hall. This is a family friendly event and if you have never attended I encourage you to. For more information visit

I appreciate all of the volunteers that work so hard to make these events happen and is one reason our community is such a  great place to live.


Elmore County New Veterans Service Officer

Elmore county now has a full time Veteran Services Officer (VSO). For many years the State provided a VSO but served multiple counties and would work in Elmore county only part time. Steven B. Reeves is now the new VSO and is assigned to  Elmore county full-time.

Mr. Reeves spoke at the last Commission meeting and his primary role was explained in an portion of the information sheet he provided:

VSO’s assist veterans and their families by answering questions, advising, and educating individuals and groups on what benefits are available from federal, state, county, and local resources. VSO’s are trained and accredited by the VA or other recognized organizations to provide assistance to veterans, their dependents, and survivors.

The Veterans Services office in currently located at 203 Hill St Wetumpka but will soon be relocated to a new space in the Courthouse. Their office hours are Monday-Friday 8-11:30am/12:30-5pm and the phone number is 334-567-1175.

We appreciate our many veterans for their service and sacrifice.
