Operation Spring Clean-46 Tons of Trash Removed From Elmore County in One Day

Below are some results from Elmore County’s Operation Spring Clean and Monthly Countywide Clean-Up along with Lake Jordan HOBOs Lake Clean -Up Day that took place this past Saturday:

Operation Spring Clean:

Three (3) schools participated (Tallassee High School, Edgewood Academy and Stanhope Elmore ROTC);

Two (2) Civic Groups participated (Boy Scout Troop 91-Millbrook/ Deatsville and the Grandview YMCA);

Two (2) Commissioner Led Groups participated (Stubbs and Daugherty);

74 Volunteers total

133 Bags of Trash Collected

Close to 1 Ton of litter collected (1995 lbs based on an average of 15 pounds per bag)

Close to 12 miles of roadway patrolled (11.8 miles)


Countywide Clean-Up:

The normal Countywide Cleanup event had approximately 40 Tons picked up at  6 sites across the county.


Lake Jordan HOBO Lake Clean-Up

Advanced Disposal reported that the Lake Jordan HOBO removed 4.66 Tons from the lake this past Saturday as well.


Approximately 46 Tons was picked up and cleaned up from Elmore County this past Saturday.

My children and I had the opportunity to pick up litter along Edgewood Road and Coosada Parkway with volunteers from Stanhope and Edgewood. I was very proud of what we accomplished and of the volunteers  we worked alongside Saturday and of those volunteers from across the County. Then reality set-in. On the way home from church Sunday morning I saw where overnight someone had thrown out a bag full of paper along one of the roads we cleaned Saturday. So disappointing, but glad we had the opportunity to do our part to make Elmore County as clean as possible.





Pictures From Operation Spring Clean 2018

Elmore County’s Operation Spring Clean 2018 resulted in a large amount of litter being removed from the roadway all across the county today.

We appreciate the schools and various groups that helped be the example of how citizens take pride in their community.

My children and I had the opportunity to pick up litter along Edgewood Road and Coosada Parkway this morning with volunteers from Stanhope and Edgewood and they did a great job!!!

I appreciate the volunteers serving their community and also appreciate those County employees that helped make this a success.

Here are some pictures of what took place in the Millbrook and Coosada areas today.

Reminder-Elmore County’s Operation Spring Clean & Lake Jordan HOBO Clean Up is Saturday April 14th

There are three ways we can help clean the litter from Elmore County  this Saturday:

Operation Spring Clean:

On Saturday April 14th the Elmore County commission is organizing Operation Spring Clean. Through the County Highway Department participating groups and individual volunteers are being assigned specific roads to remove this litter. Trash bags and safety vest will be provided along with assistance from county personnel to remove filled garage bags.

If you want to participate in this effort please contact the Elmore County Highway Department at 334-567-1162.

Countywide Cleanup:

The normal monthly Countywide Cleanup will take place on April 14th.

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

These are the pick-up sites for Saturday April 14:
Coosada Post Office
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

Lake Jordan HOBO Lake Clean Up:

The Lake Jordan HOBO will be hosting their annual lake clean up day. This is a time where trash is removed from all shoreline areas of Lake Jordan. Volunteers can contact Allan or Brenda Basnight at 334-399-7370 or by email   [email protected]  for more information

If you have any questions about these three opportunities please let me know.

Elmore County EMA Preparedness Fair Postponed

Statement from the Elmore County EMA concerning the Preparedness Fair scheduled for this Saturday is below:

Due to the uncertainty of the severe weather on Saturday April 14, Elmore County EMA has decided to postpone the Preparedness Fair to Saturday, April 28.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Elmore County EMA at (334) 567-6451.



Elmore County Preparedness Fair 2018

Elmore County Preparedness Fair 2018

The Elmore County Emergency Management Agency will host the 9th annual Elmore County Preparedness Fair on Saturday April 14, 2018.

This year the event will take place at the Tallassee City Schools Football Stadium at 304 Gilmer Ave. between the hours of 10:00am to 1:00pm.

This event will bring together numerous local, tribal, state and federal agencies that all are a part of emergency preparedness, response and recovery serving Elmore County. Each of these agencies will have equipment and or information on display.

There will be information on Community Preparedness, First Aid/CPR/AED training and LifeSouth Bloodmobile will be onsite as well.

There will be bounce houses for the children to enjoy, preparedness tips and many emergency vehicles on display.

Come see the capabilities our first responders have to serve and keep citizens safe as possible.

For additional information you can contact the Elmore County EMA office at 334-567-6451 or as always let me know and I will help get what information you need.


Elmore County’s Operation Spring Clean & Lake Jordan HOBO Clean Up is April 14th

Litter is a problem throughout Elmore County and on Saturday April 14th and there will be three ways we can all participate to clean up.

Operation Spring Clean:

Littering in Elmore County is a big problem. The County Commission expends many tax dollars annually for personnel to do nothing but pick up roadside litter disposed of by those that take little pride in the appearance of the community we all live in.

We see litter along many roads throughout the county. There are a few roads that this is a chronic problem and for those of us that take great pride in the appearance of our community, here is an opportunity to help clean it up.

On Saturday April 14th the Elmore County commission is organizing Operation Spring Clean. Through the County Highway Department participating groups and individual volunteers are being assigned specific roads to remove this litter. Trash bags and safety vest will be provided along with assistance from county personnel to remove filled garage bags.

This program is being supported by Advanced Disposal and the Alabama PALS program.

If you want to participate in this effort please contact the Elmore County Highway Department at 334-567-1162.

Countywide Cleanup:

The normal monthly Countywide Cleanup will take place on April 14th as well.

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors.

Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for Saturday April 14:
Coosada Post Office
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

Lake Jordan HOBO Lake Clean Up:

The Lake Jordan HOBO will be hosting their annual lake clean up day. This is a time where trash is removed from all shoreline areas of Lake Jordan. Volunteers can contact Allan or Brenda Basnight at 334-399-7370 or by email   [email protected]  for more information


If you have any questions about these three opportunities please let me know.


ADOC Expands Women’s Sewing Facility in Elmore County

I attended a ground breaking ceremony this morning for an expansion of the Alabama Dept. of Corrections Women’s Sewing Facility in Wetumpka. This sewing facility currently provides apparel for inmates in State prisons and some local jails.

An additional 5,000 Sq Ft will be added to this facility which will aide in increasing production capacity, improved working conditions and will allow for additional female inmates to work at this this production/training facility. We toured this operation and it was really impressive to see the cutting machines and the rows of sewing machines all operated by people learning a skill that could be transferred and used in a  private sector job.

We are encouraged to see the ADOC  make this investment in Elmore County and appreciate Commissioner Jeff Dunn for inviting us to this event.