Reminder: Monthly Countywide Cleanup Day is this Saturday 10-13-18

Reminder: Monthly Countywide cleanup day is this Saturday, 10-13-18

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Coosada Post Office
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

If you have any question please contact me.

Countywide Trash Pick Up Map

Elmore County Commission Passes FY19 Budget

Elmore County Commission Passes FY19 Budget

The Elmore County Commission adopted the FY19 budget at the September 24th meeting. A copy of the budget can be found on the County Commission’s web site. This budget was created with input by our Commissioners, department heads and county wide elected officials.

This budget continues funding for additional deputies as it was put in place for the FY18 budget. These deputies were desperately needed by the Sheriff’s department. Elmore County is growing, and to keep pace with the demands placed on our Sheriff’s department, five additional deputies have recently been added. Properly funding our Sheriff’s department is one of the Commissions core missions, because having a safe community to live in is most important.  We are very fortunate to have Sheriff Franklin and his staff that run an effective and efficient operation.

Our current county wide economic development efforts were also funded. The Elmore County Economic Development Authority (ECEDA) is in the midst of many changes; one of which is the hiring of a new executive director. Elmore County’s current unemployment rate of 3.7% is one of the lowest in Alabama. Working to have good high paying jobs is always a priority. ECEDA also plays an important role in improving the quality of life for our citizens and current businesses. Increasing retail opportunities, working to solve the lack of broadband along with capitalizing on the presence of our natural resources specifically related to tourism will result in citizens realizing great benefit. I appreciate ECEDA’s Board of Directors which serves voluntarily with the goal of improving the county we live in.

Our budget also provided funding for our volunteer fire departments. The Elmore County Fire Fighters Association recently presented information to the Commission that shows our volunteer fire departments collectively save Elmore County citizens millions of dollars annually in insurance premiums, as well as saving millions of dollars of property through effective response. That is a huge positive economic impact on our county that is generally unrealized by most citizens.  These savings are, in part, a result of the current Fire Protection Classifications our county departments maintain individually and require constant investment in equipment, training and personnel.  This investment can only be sustained with proper funding. Through the Elmore County Fire Fighters Association, the county provides funding for workman’s compensation insurance that protects our firefighters if they are injured while serving you. This budget also funds a large portion of the software fire departments use to report incidents, collect data, document training and distribute required reports to maintain compliance. When you see a member of our fire service please tell them how much you appreciate them serving their community.

These listed budget items represent a small portion of the many areas this Commission is committed to providing for our business and citizens.  It strives to be a good steward of your dollars through efficiently operation of our county’s government and more effective delivery of critical services.

Bart Mercer



Monthly Countywide Cleanup Day is this Saturday 10-13-18

Monthly Countywide cleanup day is this Saturday, 10-13-18

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Coosada Post Office
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

If you have any question please contact me.

Countywide Trash Pick Up Map


10-9-18 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 10-9-18.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka.

Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.

If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.


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First Ever Test of the National Wireless Alert System Today at 1:18p.m. CST

FEMA will be conducting a nationwide test of the Wireless Emergency Alert System (WEA) today at 1:18 p.m. CST.

This first ever test will be in the form of a message sent to cell phones connected to participating wireless carriers. The test message will read “This is a Test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No Action Needed.”.  This test will be considered a  “Presidential Alert” which means you will hear an alert even if your cell phone is on silent.

This WEA test will be followed by a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) over TV and Radio stations and will start at 1:20 CST. This EAS test is similar to those we have experienced in the past.

Link to the FEMA site



9-24-18 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 9-24-18.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka.

Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.

If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.


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Reminder: Monthly Countywide Cleanup Day is this Saturday 9-15-18

Monthly Countywide cleanup day is this Saturday, 9-15-18
Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.
Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.
These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Town of Elmore – Town Hall
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department
If you have any question please contact me.

Countywide Trash Pick Up Map Cropped




Monthly Countywide Cleanup Day is this Saturday 9-15-18

Monthly Countywide cleanup day is this Saturday, 9-15-18

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Town of Elmore Annex Building
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department

If you have any question please contact me.

CWCU & Recycling

Map of Countywide Cleanup and Recycling Sites

Town of Elmore Site open every odd month and Coosada Post site every even month