Broadband- A Few Things Of Interest From Last Week

My daily reading normally includes something related to Broadband. This past week was no different but there were two articles I found interesting that I wanted to share.

In April of this year  I wrote an article about how FCC Broadband deployment maps were populated by industry-provided data that is highly inaccurate and how it can hinder investment in the expansion of broadband infrastructure into under served areas.

One article I read was titled “FCC’s broadband deployment report called “fundamentally at odds with reality” on Link to the article in the title name. This article  lays out the primary reason the County Commission is very supportive of the Elmore County Economic Development Authority (ECEDA) and the Broadband Access Study they have commissioned which is currently being conducted in Elmore county.

The second article is on (Link)    which explains two Broadband related bills passed by our State Legislature this session.

One bill of interest was HB400 which allows electricity providers to use existing easements for the purpose of delivering broadband.  This was a Bill that I, and other Elmore county leaders supported and will allow our electricity providers to install lines carrying a broadband signal in the areas where they currently have right of way to install lines carrying electricity.

The county commission continues to work closely with ECEDA to see that Broadband service is expanded in Elmore county. Once ECEDA’s Broadband Access Study is completed, it will be a vital recruiting tool to use in that effort. The resolution to this problem will most likely be a multi-year project and in my role as County Commissioner I will continue to keep this a top priority in Elmore County.


5-23-19 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda / County Offices Closed Monday 5-27-19 for Memorial Day

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 5- 23-19.

The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka.

Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.

If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.

This meeting would normally be scheduled for Monday May 27, 2019 but due to the Elmore County Government offices being closed for Memorial Day, the meeting is scheduled for this Thursday.



Update on County Crews Continuing to Remove May 4th Storm Debris from County Right of Way in the Elmore Community


County crews continue to remove May 4th storm debris from the county right of way in the Elmore Community.

As of this afternoon crews have removed approximately 100 truck loads of debris from the county maintained right of way in the storm damaged areas.

Today there are two crews working with an additional third crew scheduled for later in the week.

As a reminder, when the county right of way is cleaned, only storm related woody debris such as trees and branches will be removed.



County Crews Continue Removing May 4th Storm Debris from County Right of Way in the Elmore Community

The May 4th storm that rolled through the Elmore community releasing most all of its energy over a small area has left many downed trees.

As a part of the clean-up of this type event, county highway department personnel are scheduled to remove woody debris placed on the county right of way within the affected areas.

The plan has been to initially remove piled debris from county-maintained ditches that carry the most water which was done last Thursday.  County personnel have been monitoring the debris removal process from private property in order to allow maximum time for citizens to place debris on County right of way before clean-up started.

Today there are two crews working to remove debris in the Elmore community with one having started on Oak St and one in the area of Perkins St.  Based on this weeks removal progress an additional crew may be added next week.

As a reminder, only storm related woody debris can be placed on county right of way for removal.




5-13-19 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 5- 13-19.

The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka.

Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.

If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.


Reninder: Monthly Countywide Cleanup Day and Annual Shred Day is this Saturday, 5-11-19

Monthly Countywide cleanup day is this Saturday,  5-11-19

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. or until the truck is full.

The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Town of Elmore – Town Hall
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department


Annual Shred Day is Also This Saturday:

The Elmore County Commission recognizes the importance of keeping your personal information from getting into the wrong hands. One way to prevent this is to never throw away documents that contains sensitive personal information without shredding those documents first.

On Saturday May 11, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. all Elmore County citizens can bring up to 6 paper boxes of personal documents and they will be securely destroyed on-site.

The mobile shredding truck will be located in the South parking lot of the Elmore County Judicial Complex which is on Hwy 231 across from Tutwiler Prison.

If you have any questions please call the ELCO Highway Department at 567-1162 or as always contact me if I can help.


Elmore County Disaster Relief Fund Now Accepting Applications From Citizens Affected by the May 4th Storm Event

The Elmore County Disaster Relief Fund (ECDRF) is a organization established to receive and distribute funds to qualified applicants that have experienced damage by large scale disasters in Elmore County.

Board chairman Judge Glenn Goggans called a meeting this week of the volunteer board that manages the fund and based on storm damage assessments have qualified the May 4th storm event as eligible for affected citizens to submit an application for assistance.

Affected citizens can obtain an Application by clicking here

Completed applications can be returned  by email at  [email protected] or by mailing the application to PO Box 1060, Wetumpka, AL 36092.

Someone  wanting to make a monetary donation to assist  their fellow Elmore county citizen in need can do so by making a deposit into a  ECDRF  account at First Community Bank, Primesouth Bank and River Bank and Trust with donations being accepted at all branches.

Click here for a ECDRF Donation information flyer

I appreciate the ECDRF Board members that volunteer their time to manage this fund in an effort to help their fellow citizens of Elmore county.

If you have any questions please let me know.




Monthly Countywide Cleanup Day and Annual Shred Day is this Saturday, 5-11-19

Monthly Countywide cleanup day is this Saturday,  5-11-19

Trucks will be at the locations below from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. or until the truck is full.

The pick-up sites are for residents to bring amounts of trash larger than the normal residential trash container will accommodate.

Limbs smaller than four feet and no more than six inches in diameter will be accepted but it is not designed to accept trash or clean-up debris from contractors. Items such as batteries, appliances, oils and gases, paints or thinners will not be accepted.

These are the pick-up sites for this Saturday:
Town of Elmore – Town Hall
Holtville High School
Elmore County Judicial Complex
CEWSA – Redland Facility
Emerald Mountain Equestrian Center
Kent – Old Highway Department


Annual Shred Day is Also This Saturday:

The Elmore County Commission recognizes the importance of keeping your personal information from getting into the wrong hands. One way to prevent this is to never throw away documents that contains sensitive personal information without shredding those documents first.

On Saturday May 11, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. all Elmore County citizens can bring up to 6 paper boxes of personal documents and they will be securely destroyed on-site.

The mobile shredding truck will be located in the South parking lot of the Elmore County Judicial Complex which is on Hwy 231 across from Tutwiler Prison.

If you have any questions please call the ELCO Highway Department at 567-1162 or as always contact me if I can help.



Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association Friday Afternoon Weigh-In at Mill Creek in Millbrook

The Alabama Student Anglers Bass Fishing Association state tournament weigh-in took place Friday afternoon at Mill Creek Sports Complex in Millbrook.

Approximately 225 Boats participated in the tournament today with fishing continuing tomorrow. We understand the fish are really biting on the Alabama River and Lake Jordan and some big fish were caught.

Holtville High School and Wetumpka High School both had teams participating but all other teams are from other parts Alabama.

The final weigh-in will take place tomorrow, Saturday May 4th beginning at 2:00 and the public is invited to attend.

I appreciate Millbrook Mayor Al Kelly,  Police Chief P.K. Johnson,  Millbrook Economic Developer Ann Harper and the Elmore County Economic Development Authority for all their efforts to  make Mill Creek  a great weigh-in site.


Alabama Students Anglers Bass Tournament Starts Today in Elmore County

Participants of the Alabama Student Bass Anglers Fishing Association State Championship Tournament started launching their boats about 4:00am this morning at Jackson Lake Island in Millbrook and Bonner’s Landing on Lake Jordan.

Approximately 225 boats  are registered for the tournament that will take place today and Saturday in Elmore county with weigh-ins each day starting about 2:00pm at the Mill Creek Sports Complex in Millbrook.

Many area hotels are filled with tournament participants and family and it is estimated the event will have a very positive impact on our local economy.

Below are some pictures and video of this mornings launch


Video of Boat Launch on Lake Jordan

Video of Boat Launch At Jackson Lake Island