This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 4-13-2020.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.
Broadband Hotspots Available Across the County
Below is information relating to the Elmore County Commission working with many other partners to identify public broadband hotspots across the county. I appreciate everyone that has worked on this project.
April 3, 2020
Partnership Yields Broadband Hotspot Opportunities and Interactive Map
The Elmore County Commission in partnership with the Elmore County Board of Education (ECBOE), Elmore County Economic Authority (ECEDA), our municipalities, and Central Access announces the release of an interactive map of public broadband hotspots available in the county. With the assistance of Central Access, additional public hotspot locations that are soon to be available are also included on the map.
The genesis of the discussions was predicated by the onset of the COVID-19 virus and the availability of public Wi-Fi hotspots. Elmore County Board of Education Superintendent Richard Dennis contacted the County Commission to seek assistance to identify ways to reach his student population remotely. When this contact was made, the County Commission was able to share about their active engagement with ECEDA for the last eighteen months developing a broadband plan for the entire county. With the assistance of ECEDA’s consultant, Sain and Associates, the County Commission and ECEDA have been utilizing data captured in the plan to identify weaknesses and strengths in the county’s broadband infrastructure network. With the study in hand, the partnership moved swiftly to identify currently available public hotspots and the interest of many countywide resources who would entertain hosting a potential hotspot. During the gathering of this data, several municipalities expanded access to their facilities as public hotspots as well as Spectrum sharing their data of currently available public hotspots. These hotspots are designed to allow citizens to be able to access the free broadband connection from the safety of their vehicle at the specified locations allowing proper social distancing measures to be observed.
Central Alabama Electric Cooperative and its broadband company, Central Access, have been a valuable asset to the group during the study process and during the hotspot discussion. When the Elmore County Commission, ECEDA, and ECBOE, brought this issue to the partnership, Central Access stepped up to help expand the availability of public hotspots.
Currently, there are 63 public hotspots available throughout the county between Central Access, Spectrum, municipal, ECBOE and other community sites. Plans are in place to increase the public hotspot opportunities to close to 100 sites over the next several months. To view the available and future public hotspots, the partnership has developed a digital map hosted on the Elmore County Commission website. The map is available on the Elmore County Commission website ( or at Broadband Hotspot Map. As additional public hotspots come online, the map will be updated so citizens have access to the most current set of active and available sites.
With the uncertainty of the COVID-19 crisis timeline, these public hotspots give parents and their students options for safe and social distance compliant access to educational tools. Moving forward, these public hotspots have the potential to provide many other opportunities related to areas such as telehealth, workforce resources, public safety, emergency response, and additional access to county and municipal services/ resources. Should you have any questions related to this effort and the digital map tool, please contact Cary Cox at [email protected] or Richie Beyer at [email protected].
County Commission Temporarily Waives Certian Online Fees
Commission Waives Service Fees for Citizens
With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the Elmore County Commission has worked to minimize interruptions to the services to the citizens of our county. With our citizens’ and employees’ health in mind, access to county facilities has been modified to limited access. With continued messaging to the public to utilize online services and conduct business by telephone to the maximum extent possible, the Commission has worked with the Probate Judge and Revenue Commissioner to create an additional incentive to conduct business remotely. Beginning April 1st, all convenience, processing and mail fees will be waived for Elmore County residents conducting tag, title and license transactions. As a trial period to determine the response from the public, these fees will be waived through May 31st, 2020 (60 days).
While uncertainty seems to fill most days during this pandemic, the Commission will continue to keep citizens informed and provide the maximum level of services possible within the parameters of federal and state guidance. To utilize the County’s online services, visit
Ivy Creek Medical Announces Opening of Offical COVID-19 Collection Site at Elmore Community Hospital
Below is information from the Elmore County Commission concerning Ivy Creek Medical announcing the opening of a COVID-19 collection site at Elmore Community Hospital in Wetumpka.
COVID-19 Collection Clinic at Elmore Community Hospital
Ivy Creek Healthcare is opening an official COVID-19 collection site utilizing a military-grade tent in the parking lot of the Emergency Room at the Elmore Community Hospital, 500 Hospital Drive Wetumpka, today. The site will be open Monday-Friday 7:00am-7:00pm beginning today. The site is one of some 20 similar sites statewide as selected by the Alabama Department of Public Health to help screen citizens who feel they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus.
Citizens who do feel they have symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to call 334-514-3713 to get an appointment before arriving on site. Further instructions related to the screening will be given at the time of the phone call. Screening criteria will be approved by ADPH.
“The Elmore County Commission is encouraged by the opening of this site as it will serve as an additional resource in identifying and combating the virus,” stated Chairman Troy Stubbs.
Veterans Affairs Office In Courthouse Closing Until April 6th
Below is information from the Elmore County Commission concerning the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs closing their office in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse until April 6th:
Information Regarding Veterans Affairs Office in the Courthouse
As of today, Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs (ADVA) has closed its office in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse. Anyone needing assistance should follow the guidelines listed below. County facilities are still open to the public at this time, but citizens are being encouraged to utilize online services and conduct business by phone as much as possible.
Elmore County Commission Encourages Accessing Services Online or by Telephone
Below is information released by the Elmore County Commission:
The Elmore County Commission is encouraging all citizens to utilize the online services offered by the county to the maximum extent due to the spread of COVID-19. Online services can be accessed through the county website,
When online service isn’t an option, please use the county telephone contacts below to reach out to the appropriate department to determine the best course of action to handle your desired business.
The Elmore County Commission is trying to limit in person visits to the county facilities at this time to help ensure the safety of our citizens and employees. Thank you for cooperating with this request at this time.
ALEA Makes Changes to Drivers License Office In Elmore County Historic Courthouse
Below is information from the Elmore County Commission in regards to ALEA closing its waiting area of the Drivers Licenses Office in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse.
Information Regarding ALEA’s Office in the Courthouse
As of today, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) has closed its Driver License Office waiting area in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse. Anyone needing licenses or renewals should follow the guidelines listed below to establish an appointment for service. County facilities are still open to the public at this time, but citizens are being encouraged to utilize online services and conduct business by phone as much as possible.
Elmore County Commission and Municipalities Execute Local Declaration of Emergency Conditions
Below is a media release from the Elmore County Commission in relation to a Declaration of Emergency Conditions that has been executed by the Commission and Municipalities this morning. This Declaration will give the commission and our municipalities greater ability obtain needed resources during our response to COVID-19.
For more details and links to other important information please visit Elmore County media release
Elmore County Commission Media Release on COVID-19, Coordinated Efforts of Local Governments
3-9-2020 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda
This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 3-9-2020.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.
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