9-14-2020 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 9-14-2020.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.


Mercer Road Temporarily Closed for Drainage Upgrades

The Elmore County Highway Department will be preforming drainage upgrades to sections of Mercer Road in Elmore today which result in it being closed until late this afternoon.

This is a part of an overall improvement project to Mercer Road that the County Commission had partnered with the Town of Elmore to complete.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Mercer Road Temporarily Closed for Drainage Upgrades

The Elmore County Highway Department will be installing drainage pipe today along a section of Mercer Road in Elmore from Dozier Farm Road to 1902 Mercer Rd.

This drainage pipe installation is  a part of an overall improvement project to Mercer Road that the County Commission had partnered with the Town of Elmore to complete.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Elmore County Health Dept. to Offer COVID-19 Testing in Millbrook August 18, 2020

Below is a media release from the Alabama Department of Public Health announcing the date COVID-19 test will be offered in Millbrook.


I appreciate Mayor Kelley and the City of Millbrook for making the civic center available and staff at Elmore County Emergency Management Agency working to coordinate this.



The RSA Tower, 201 Monroe Street, P.O. Box 303017, Montgomery, AL  36130-3017
(334) 206-5300 • FAX (334) 206-5520  Web Site: alabamapublichealth.gov


Drive-through COVID-19 testing in Millbrook offered on Tuesday, August 18

Elmore County Health Department, (334) 567-1171

A drive-through COVID-19 testing clinic will be offered by the Elmore County Health Department at Millbrook Civic Center, 3168 Park Circle, Millbrook AL 36054 on Tuesday, August 18, from 9 a.m. until 12 noon CDT while testing supplies last. No retesting will be done.

Symptoms of COVID-19 consist of either cough or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing) or at least two of the following; fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.

Please call (334) 567-1171 for an appointment.

These are the requirements for testing:
·        Persons with symptoms
·        Healthcare facility workers, workers in congregate living settings, and first responders with symptoms
·        Persons without symptoms who have underlying medical conditions or disability placing them at a higher risk of complications or screening of other asymptomatic individuals based on a case-by-case review and approval by the state health department or local health jurisdiction.
The Alabama Department of Public Health advises the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

·        Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds
·        Social distance by staying 6 feet away from others
·        Avoid people who are sick
·        Stay home if you can; work remotely if possible
·        Cover your mouth and nose with a face covering when around others
·        Cover coughs and sneezes
·        Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
·        Monitor your health

For more information, visit  alabamapublichealth.gov

County health departments throughout Alabama provide a wide range of confidential and professional services. Contact your local county health department for additional information.

Mission: To promote, protect, and improve Alabama’s health

Vision: Healthy People. Healthy Communities. Healthy Alabama.



8-10-2020 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 8-10-2020.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.

7-27-2020 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 7-27-2020.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.

Reminder: Elmore County Participating in Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday


The Elmore County Commission will once again participate in the Annual Back to School Sales Tax Holiday beginning Friday, July 17, 2020 at 12:01am (CST) ending at midnight on Sunday, July 19, 2020.

On April 27, 2017, the Commission approved a Resolution authorizing participation in the Sales Tax Holiday (authorized by Act No. 2017-120) and each year after beginning at 12:01am on the third Friday in July and ending at twelve midnight on the third Sunday in July.

Generally, the sales tax holiday offers shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain items priced at $100 or less per item free of state and county sales tax. School supplies, computer systems/supplies ($750 or less), and clothing are some common items included. During the sales tax holiday, protective equipment and sports or recreational equipment may also qualify for the tax exemption. For more specifics regarding approved items, log on to http://revenue.alabama.gov/salestax/salestaxhol.cfm. Happy shopping!

CSX Closing Railroad Crossings for Maintenance Work

Notice From the Elmore County Commission Office:

CSX informed the county this morning at 5:30 am that they will be closing the rail crossings at Marion Spillway and Politic Road for maintenance work. The Marion Spillway crossing will be closed this morning around 8 am and is expected to be closed until the end of this week. The Politic Road crossing will be closed later today and will be closed until further notice. Questions related to this closure can be directed to CSX.

7-13-2020 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 7-13-2020.
The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.