Volunteers Help to Keep Elmore County Clean

I appreciate the hard work by friends and members of the Elmore Fire Department as we removed 40 bags of litter from along Ceasarville Road Saturday morning.

Combining our 40 bags with total bags removed Commissioners participating in litter clean-ups from across the county are reporting equals 270 plus bags of litter removed today.

Additional county road  litter picks-up are scheduled in the near future.

We appreciate everyone doing their part to keep Elmore county clean.



Service Alert: Update from Waste Management – March 10, 2021

Below is a Waste Management service alert received by the County Commission office today:

Waste Management’s scheduled residential trash collection for Wednesday will be delayed and for the normal Wednesday route in the Coosada, Millbrook, and Emerald Mountain areas.  All routes affected by the delay should be recovered by close of business Thursday.



Service Alert: Update from Waste Management – March 9, 2021

Below is a Waste Management service alert received by the County Commission office today:

Waste Management is in the process of completing yesterday’s delayed route and resuming normal activities. Waste Management’s goal is to be caught up with both day’s routes by the close of business Tuesday, but there is a possibility that all of Tuesday’s route may not be completed until early Wednesday.

A Waste Management representative attended the County Commission meeting last night and assured us they are working to empty cans on schedule each week.




Service Alert: Delay in Waste Management Services Today – March 8, 2021

Below is a Waste Management service alert received by the County Commission office today:

Waste Management’s scheduled residential trash collection for Monday, March 8, 2021 will be delayed due to limited staff for the normal Monday route in the Coosada and Millbrook areas.  Some examples of roads on this affected route include Coosada Parkway, Airport Road, Upper Gibson Town Road, Ingram Road, Mercer Road, Grandview Road, and the Alabama River Parkway.



3-8-2021 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 3-8-2021. The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.

2-22-2021 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 2-22-2021. The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.

Preparing for Potential Icy Conditions on Elmore County Roads and Bridges

The threat of icy conditions on Elmore county roads caused by an approaching winter storm triggers the implementation of a plan executed by County highway department and EMA personnel along with Commission support personnel and Commissioners to monitor travel conditions on county roads and bridges.

County EMA personnel consistently communicate detailed changing weather conditions to not only coordinating county personnel and agencies but also to the Mayors of our municipalities to support their response.

Freezing temperatures are currently forecast to impact Elmore County around 9:00pm. County personnel, to include our Sheriff department deputies, will be riding our county roads and bridges to monitor their condition and report any hazard conditions that may result in sanding icy roadways or deeming a road impassable.

Please be weather aware and stay warm.


2-8-2021 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 2-8-2021. The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.








1-25-2021 Elmore County Commission Work Session Agenda

This is the work session agenda for the Commission meeting 1-25-2021. The Elmore County Commission meets on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Elmore County Courthouse, downtown Wetumpka. Work Session starts at 5:00 p.m. and Commission meeting soon after, normally about 6:00 p.m.
If you want to share a thought or have a question on any item please let me know.