Storm Debris Removal in the Elmore Community:
On May 4th, residents of District 4 in the Elmore Community were affected by a storm that brought sudden high winds and downed many trees in the area.
As a part of assisting citizens in recovering from this type event, county highway personnel have been removing woody storm debris that citizens and the storm placed on the county right of way. As of Friday of the past week, over 300 dump truck loads of debris has been loaded and hauled away by multiple county crews.
Crews are almost complete with the initial removal pass on each affected road. This initial pass should be completed the end of the week of June 10.
Additional debris placed on the county right of way after the initial removal pass will be assessed and removed on a case by case basis. Removal of this additional debris will be done as county resources are available as crews will be resuming normal maintenance activities soon after completion of the initial pass.
Right of Way debris removal is not an ongoing scheduled service offered by the county due to resource limitations. The County does offer opportunities to dispose of this type of woody debris at County Wide Clean Up days. The next scheduled day will be July 13 where small items (limbs in lengths shorter than 4’ in length) can be taken to various sites throughout the county for disposal.
Allie Valley Cross Drain Replacement:
A large cross drain under a section of Allie Valley Dr partially collapsed several weeks ago causing this section of road to be closed. Since that time, county personnel have been working to clear up a right of way issue and procure the necessary replacement pipe (54” diameter pipe) so proper repairs can be made. The new cross drain pipe will be installed as soon as crews complete the initial debris removal pass in Elmore. Once work can commence, the project is scheduled to be completed within a few weeks.
If you have any questions about either of these projects, please feel free to contact me.
Bart Mercer
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