Damage assessments from the Saturday January 19 tornado are still taking place along the 18.2-mile path through Elmore county starting in the City of Wetumpka at the Bibb Graves bridge and ending near north of Eclectic.
Over a 1000 people have volunteered their time and equipment to assist with clean-up in the damaged areas. This week County EMA personnel have been accessing structure damage that occurred along this path and county crews are picking up debris along county roads.
If tornado related assistance is needed or if you want to know how you can volunteer or help with the recovery, you may call 211 for information and guidance.
If you want to make a monetary contribution the Elmore County Disaster Relief Fund (ECDRF) has been activated again to receive contributions. This Fund is managed by a volunteer group of Elmore County citizens and is the same organization that collected and distributed more than $150,000 in contributions after the tornado outbreak in April 2011.
The Central Alabama Community Foundation is also receiving monetary donations with the distribution of funds being managed by the ECDRF.
Citizens that have been impacted by this tornado may submit an application by email at [email protected] or by mailing the application to PO Box 24, Wetumpka, AL 36092. An application can found here: ECDRF Application.
I have been asked by many people how they could make a monetary donation to assist their fellow Elmore county citizen in need and here is what you can do. The ECDRF has established accounts at First Community Bank, Primesouth Bank or River Bank and Trust with donations being accepted at all branches. You may also donate through the Central Alabama Community Foundation website at cacfinfo.org to Wetumpka Tornado Relief.
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