Below are some results from Elmore County’s Operation Spring Clean and Monthly Countywide Clean-Up along with Lake Jordan HOBOs Lake Clean -Up Day that took place this past Saturday:
Operation Spring Clean:
Three (3) schools participated (Tallassee High School, Edgewood Academy and Stanhope Elmore ROTC);
Two (2) Civic Groups participated (Boy Scout Troop 91-Millbrook/ Deatsville and the Grandview YMCA);
Two (2) Commissioner Led Groups participated (Stubbs and Daugherty);
74 Volunteers total
133 Bags of Trash Collected
Close to 1 Ton of litter collected (1995 lbs based on an average of 15 pounds per bag)
Close to 12 miles of roadway patrolled (11.8 miles)
Countywide Clean-Up:
The normal Countywide Cleanup event had approximately 40 Tons picked up at 6 sites across the county.
Lake Jordan HOBO Lake Clean-Up
Advanced Disposal reported that the Lake Jordan HOBO removed 4.66 Tons from the lake this past Saturday as well.
Approximately 46 Tons was picked up and cleaned up from Elmore County this past Saturday.
My children and I had the opportunity to pick up litter along Edgewood Road and Coosada Parkway with volunteers from Stanhope and Edgewood. I was very proud of what we accomplished and of the volunteers we worked alongside Saturday and of those volunteers from across the County. Then reality set-in. On the way home from church Sunday morning I saw where overnight someone had thrown out a bag full of paper along one of the roads we cleaned Saturday. So disappointing, but glad we had the opportunity to do our part to make Elmore County as clean as possible.
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