Today I represented Elmore County at the first meeting of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama, Legislative Committee in Montgomery.
This committee will be tasked with working with the members of our legislature on issues that affect our counties both locally and statewide.
It was interesting to hear many other Commissioners talk about the limited access to broadband in their county just like we are dealing with in Elmore county. We all know the lack of broadband access adversely affects our citizens and our businesses, but many spoke about how it affects farmers since agriculture is more embracing technology, our students and it limits the access to tele-medicine.
Hearing others talk today confirmed what we have determined to be true in our efforts to address this issue in Elmore county; this is a widespread problem, the long term solution will not be very simple, investment in infrastructure has not kept up with the need for access, it will cost a lot of money to correct this issue but it can be resolved.
Broadband wasn’t the only issue facing counties that was discussed but it was the topic discussed the most.
More to come.
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