Ingram Road to Open at 3:00 pm Today 

Below is a statement from the  Elmore County Commission concerning Ingram Road…….Bart

The Elmore County Commission would like to announce that the section of Ingram Rd north of Myrick Rd will reopen at 3pm today. County forces are currently completing the necessary work to prepare the road to be reopened later today.

Motorists are reminded to use caution even though this area of Ingram Road is open to traffic as crews will be putting the finishing touches associated with the two new concrete box culverts over the next several weeks.

The County Commission appreciates the patience exhibited by the public during this project. The opening of the northern culvert culminates a sequence of several road and bridge projects completed through the cooperative efforts of several local governments and utilities in the Millbrook/ Elmore/ Deatsville/ Coosada area.

Any questions related to this project can be directed to Richie Beyer, Elmore County Engineer at 334-567-1162 or [email protected]