Did you know the Elmore County is one of the only if not the only County in the State that has a County-Wide Transportation plan that all Commissioners, Mayors and Councils have agreed to?
This means on the major roads in the County there is a plan on how best correct many of the known safety or traffic flow issues. It also means when Elmore County asks for assistance on a highway related project, ALDOT and our Elmore County legislative delegation know Elmore County leaders are unified in how they prioritize these projects.
This Plan is updated every four years and this Wednesday is when an update meeting took place that I attended.
The next step is for each municipality to review this with their Council with the ultimate goal for all to agree.
I appreciate our County Engineer Richie Beyer and his staff for facilitating this effort.
There are many projects in District 4 on this plan and with all Elmore County leaders working together we can achieve a lot for District 4 and the entire County.
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